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How it works?

Let us show our service

1. Select a design

Choose your favorite design from our curated collection of wallpapers, wall murals or upload your own photo. No need to waste time browsing in the stores endless catalogs.

We categorize our wallpapers according to its particular theme, main colors, style and where it could fit – bedroom, living room or perhaps both. Have you always dreamed of peacocks wandering on your bedroom walls? Punch in “peacock” in the above Search bar.

1. Select a design
2. Insert measurements & trim

2. Insert measurements & trim

Did you find your favorite, the one and only wallpaper design? We sure hope so! Next – measure your wall. Check out some useful tricks how to do that properly here. Punch in the dimensions, width and height, plus add at least 5 cm / 1,96″ margin of error in both width and height. Take advantage of our specially developed wallpaper planner tool – play with the crop of your selected wallpaper, mirror the design or target the exact center point!

See, no need to calculate yourself, how much wallpaper you need for a particular space.


3. We print and ship

Thank you for your order! Now, we take the chosen wallpaper design and provided wall dimensions. We print just as much as your ordered: wallpaper tiles are divided into 49 cm / 19,3″ wide strips and in exact height as provided.  Your chosen wallpaper strips are each numbered according to the order how they have to be installed on the wall. Easy, isn’ t it? Oh, and did we mention all our wallpapers are printed on beautiful, matte textured non-woven durable material?

The best part – it takes us up to 5 business days to prepare and print your wallpaper. Then, we pack your beautiful wallpaper with utmost care and hand over to the courier to be sent to you!



3. We print and ship

4. Install and enjoy

The awaited day is here and your new wallpaper has arrived!

Install your wallpaper along with the provided non-woven wallpaper paste.

– Wallpaper is cut and divided into 49 cm / 19,3″ wide strips, and in length as you ordered.

– Each strip is numbered, in the order they should be hung.

– Make sure the wall is clean, smooth, no old wallpaper on it.

– Paste the glue directly on the wall, not on the wallpaper.

– Hang the strips from left to right.

– Place the wallpaper strips edge to edge.


Not sure of your skills? Check out the video guide or read the instructions here. 


Have a question?

You can always get in touch with us!
