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Geometric City Jungle – Grey

39,00 /m2

Product ID: 51100104

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Be wow-wowed by this intricate light grey geometric wallpaper design! Strict lines, triangles, circles and rectangles are blended beautifully into a city map alike geometric pattern. This wallpaper makes your eyes and mind fly and turns a wall from dull to wow!  Use it as sleek backdrop to your bedroom, living room, dining room, or office space. Be creative and experimental, this city inspired wallpaper design can be paired with oh so many interior styles!

As all of our wallpapers and murals, this design is printed on breathable, non-woven material with eco friendly colours. The great thing about non-woven wallpaper is that it is easy to apply and also easy to remove. We’ll print your selected wallpaper or mural to your given wall measurements. You will get your new wallcovering in numbered lengths in the order they should be hung on the wall. Easy, zero-waste and stress free!