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Elephant Elegance

39,00 /m2

Product ID: 51200269

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A beautiful panoramic wall mural design set in a exotic forest with maharajas heading to the palace on majestic elephants. This mural design is inspired by antique wall paintings that can be found in old castles and mansions. The Elephant Elegance panoramic wall mural combines botanical drawings and elements from historic paintings. The result is a stunning imaginary world that takes you on a journey! With no doubt, the colonial era romantic mural scene adds a sense of modern luxury into a contemporary interior design. Maximalists – could this wall mural be the one for that still empty wall? Read more of panoramic wallpapers in Baubau Journal for further ideas.

As all of our wallpapers and murals, this design is printed on breathable, non-woven material with eco friendly colours. We’ll print your selected wallpaper or mural to your given wall measurements. You will get your new wallcovering in numbered lengths in the order they should be hung on the wall. Easy, zero-waste and stress free!