What are made to measure wallpapers?

Wallpaper is one of the most important parts of personalizing a space, whether home, office, or a cafe. Unlike simple paint, wallpaper comes in thousands of different designs and color hues. A good wallpaper can simply brighten up a room and create a true statement, without the necessity of statement-making furniture!
However, haven´t we all stumbled upon the challenge of choosing the perfect wallpaper, nevertheless calculating the required quantity that you´d need to buy. Baubauwall wallpapers idea is simple – we save you of that trouble. Choose from the curated collection of various designs to fit wide range of homes. The best part – simply measure your wall, insert the strategic numbers on our website and you are done. We print and ship exactly that much of chosen wallpaper – all that just in 5 business days. Zero waste and haste. Your new wallpaper arrives in cut strips. All you need to do, is equip yourself with needed few tools, mix the paste, and put your beautiful new wallpaper in its new home. If needed, get a specialist, of course.
Driven by the idea of making life easier and prettier.