Fight of a Tiger and a Buffalo. Henri Rousseau
39,00 €/m2
This stunning wall mural is a high resolution digitalization of famous painter Henri Rousseau‘s (1844-1910) painting “Fight between a Tiger and a Buffalo” (original in French: “Dans le Foret Tropicale Combat du Tigre et du Buffle.“). Lush, tropical jungle motive mural is just what a bold wall decor might need! Paint your wall with deep greens and vivid tropic colors with this fantastic wall mural and bring in the art! Fun fact: Many of Rousseau’s paintings depict wild animals and tropical jungles that might lead you to believe he was quite the adventurer. Actually, the artist never left France, but instead drew inspiration from visiting botanical gardens and reading travel books.
As all of our wallpapers and murals, this design is printed on breathable, non-woven material with eco friendly colours. Read more of the innovative service here.