How to install wallpaper or mural wallpaper?

Wallpapering is easier than you think! For real. Here’ s why: we print wallpapers and wall murals in numbered strips and in exact lengths as the size of your wall. Free paste on us! Lets go through the process step by step:
Wallpapering tools needed

It all starts with good prep work!
- Ensure the wall is clean, smooth, and dry.
- The wall should be clean from any old wallpaper or uneven items.
- Remove any old nails and fill any cracks. Should the wall surface be porous, apply a primer coat or pre-paste before hanging the new wallpaper.
- You should also prime the wall surface if it has bright colours, that could be visible through your new wallpaper.
- Switch off the electricity mains and remove any socket covers.
Hanging the wallpaper or wall mural
Check out here also our wallpaper installing video tutorial.
- Take the included wallpaper paste and mix it with cold water until its smooth and thick. Leave it for 20 minutes.
- Before hanging, please make sure no wallpaper strips are missing or damaged. The strips are numbered at the top, in the order they must be hung. Wallpaper strips are intended to be
hung from left to right. - Make sure the wallpaper strips are hung straight. It is essential to hang the first strip straight. Using a spirit level, a measuring instrument, and a pencil, draw vertical markings one
panel width (49 cm) in from the corner. - Apply the wallpaper paste directly to the wall, on the area of marked first wallpaper strip size. Use a
long roller or a brush to apply the paste. Apply the wallpaper paste one panel width in advance, as otherwise it may dry off. - Edge to edge, hang the wallpaper panels. There must be no overlap between the panels. Press the
panels together firmly at the seams. Make sure the wallpaper pattern matches up with the following
panel and try to get as little wallpaper paste as possible on the front of the wallpaper, as it
may show when dry. After hanging each wallpaper strip, trim any excess paper using a sharp knife and with the help of a smoother. - From ceiling to floor, smooth down the wallpaper strips. Start in the middle and work your
way out to the edges with your hands and/or a wallpaper smoother. Once the wallpaper has
dried, any little bubbles or wrinkles will vanish. If there are any paste spots, remove them with
a damp cloth or sponge, but don’t rub. - Cut off any excess paper. Trim any excess paper with a sharp knife, and smoother or ruler,
once all the wallpaper strips have been hung. - And you are done! Wait for a day to allow the wallpaper to properly dry. Enjoy your new
stunning wall! We can´t wait to see the result as well – share and tag it @baubauwall #baubauwall